Friday, January 22, 2021
I'm saddened to read this notice. I just saw Tim's obituary, 10 years after his death. Tim was a good friend when I was in grade school. We lived about a mile apart but I rode that mile on my bike more times than I can remember. I knew his mom and dad- really wonderful people. His dad took me for my first sail once on a wonderful sailboat- a really seaworthy, heavy, full keeled wooden boat . We frequently spent Saturdays together- one of our parents would drop us off at the downtown Y and we'd be there until mid afternoon swimming, watching movies (anything by "The 3 Stooges" was always popular) then ride the bus home.
I read that Tim was interested in model airplanes- I remember being with Tim when he built a plane by mounting a motor on a shingle. He kind of got it to fly. Wonderful 60 year old memories. Tim and I lost touch in later years of elementary school. My parents saw him occasionally and said that he was happy and doing well. I regret missing a final chance to see him.
If any survivors would like to reach me :
Mark Smith